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my pedagogy is concerned with empowering learners with diverse backgrounds and perspectives in the classroom

keywords: comparative global urbanism [Europe, North America, North Africa], housing policy & land use studies, environmental justice & the built environment



Full positions

Harvard Biopolis Summer School "The Future of Work and the Future of Health" [Graduate and Undergraduate] 


Harvard Graduate School of Design Critic in Urban Planning and Design, co-instructor  and coordinator of the First Semester Core Urban Planning Studio; Urban Adaptation; Do No Harm: Dilemmas in Planning for Health; International Comparative Housing [Graduate]


Civil servantships

Territoires et Pouvoirs [Undergraduate]

Cadres et approches de l'aménagement en France


Politiques d'Aménagement MECI [Graduate]

Séminaire P.A.R.I.S. [Graduate]

GIS: Environnement et Durabilité Urbaine [Graduate]

Géographie de l'Ile-de-France [Undergraduate]


Géographie des Migrations [Undergraduate]



Planning History and Theory [Graduate]

Urban Economics [Graduate]

Supertall Development in Manhattan Studio [Graduate]

Retail Apocalypse in Hudson Yards Studio [Graduate] 

Géographie Sociale [Undergraduate]

Géographie Urbaine et Rurale [Undergraduate]

Cadres et Approches de l'Aménagement [Undergraduate]

Images et Cartes [Undergraduate]


Qualified as a lecturer by the French National Council of Universities for field sections 23 (physical, human, economic and regional geography) and 24 (urban planning, town planning).


Led seminar and lecture sessions, contributed to syllabus development, held office hours, prepared and graded exams, carried administrative duties 

First Semester Core Urban Planning Studio (Fall 2023 - with Dr. Hannah Teicher, Anne-Marie Lubenau and Daniel Hernandez, Harvard Graduate School of Design - Master’s Level, 48 students) 

x Coordination of student-led projects to develop background research and proposals in Roxbury, Boston, related to planning infrastructure & community services 

x Coordination of workshops, desk crits, pinups and guest speaker panels to help students zoom in and out of Roxbury and connect the neighborhood to larger debates and issues in the field


Biopolis Harvard Social Innovation Summer School (Summer 2019 and 2020/ delayed due to COVID-19 - Dr. Robert Lue, Harvard University - Undergraduate and Master’s Level, 50 students) 

x Coordination of student-led projects to develop prototypes to improve Paris's planning infrastructure & social services

x Prior to that, since 2017: Acted as planning contact and critic for the Harvard Summer School/ Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity student presentations to develop project prototypes

Territoires et Pouvoirs (Fall 2019 and 2020 - Drs. Dominique Rivière and Amandine Spire, Université Paris Cité - Undergraduate Level, 100 students)


Politiques d’aménagement MECI Métiers des Études, du Conseil et de l’Intervention (Fall 2019 and 2020 - Dr. Dominique Rivière, Université Paris Cité - Master’s Level, 20 students)

Séminaire professionnel et de recherche PARIS [Projets et Acteurs de l’Aménagement de la Région Île-de-France en Situation] en Urbanisme - Architecture (Fall 2019, 2020 and 2022 - Drs. Sandrine Berroir, Yankel Fijalkow and Sabrina Bresson, Université Paris Cité - Master’s Level, 40 students)

Cadres et approches de l’aménagement (Fall 2020 - Drs. Sandrine Berroir, Dominique Rivière and Matthieu Gimat, Université Paris Cité - Undergraduate Level, 100 students) 

Geographic Information Systems: Environnement et Durabilité Urbaine (Fall 2021 - Université Paris-Cergy - Master's Level, 25 students)

Géographie des migrations (Spring 2022 - Université Paris-Cergy - Undergraduate Level, 100 students)




Assisted during seminar and lecture sessions, led recitation sessions, contributed to syllabus development, held office hours, assisted in preparing and grading exams

Studio Retail Apocalypse: Strategies for Local Communities (Spring 2021 - Prs. Anthony Borelli and Sybil Wa - Client: Hudson Yards Hell’s Kitchen Alliance, Columbia University - Master’s Level, 15 students)

Planning History and Theory (Fall 2017 and Fall 2018 - Dr. Hiba Bou Akar, Columbia University - Master’s Level, 20 students)

Economics for Planners (Spring 2018 and 2020 - Dr. Moshe Adler, Columbia University - Master’s Level, 20 students)

Studio Supertall (Spring 2019 - Prs. Ethel Sheffer and Sybil Wa - Client: Office of the Manhattan Borough President, Columbia University - Master’s Level, 15 students)

Géographie Sociale (Fall 2019 and 2020 - Drs. Camille Schmoll, Pierre Pistre and Sophie Baudet-Michel, Université Paris Cité - Undergraduate Level, 20 students)

Géographie Urbaine et Rurale (Fall 2019 and 2020 - Drs. Sandrine Berroir and Pierre Pistre, Université Paris Cité - Undergraduate Level, 60 students)

Cadres et approches de l’aménagement (Fall 2019 and 2020 - Drs. Sandrine Berroir, Dominique Rivière and Matthieu Gimat, Université Paris Cité - Undergraduate Level, 60 students)

Images et Cartes (Fall 2019 and 2020 - Dr. Céline Clauzel, Université Paris Cité - Undergraduate Level, 25 students)


Géographie de l’Ile-de-France (Spring 2022 - Université Paris-Cergy - Undergraduate Level, 100 students)


2022/2023: Sandra Hunlede, Urban planning Master thesis in training at the city real estate development corporation Régie Immobilière de la Ville de Paris, Evaluation of the participatory budget - Université Paris-Cité.

The ultimate teaching motto as delivered by Pr. Ananya Roy, in Poverty Capital (2010):


"In teaching my course [Global Poverty] at Berkeley I am struck by a contrast. On the one hand, I have students who are brimming with enthusiasm to do good; they want to save the world. They believe they can. On the other hand, I have students who are cynical, those who are able to level sharp critiques of structures of injustice but not believe that change is possible. I teach in the impossible space between the hubris of benevolence and the paralysis of cynicism."

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