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with Whitney Airgood-Obrycki and Sophia Wedeen (2024). "Rental Deserts, Segregation, and Zoning", Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies Working Paper


with Lance Freeman (2022). “Inclusionary Zoning in New York and Paris: Trojan horse or Antidote to Gentrification?”, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper. 


with Michael Snidal and Tyler Haupert (2022). “Exodus in the American Metropolis: Predicting Black population decline in Chicago neighbourhoods”, Urban Studies, DOI: 10.1177/00420980211070405 [Preprint]

(2022). “Affordable for whom? La politique de logement du maire de Blasio à New York entre new progressivism et fabrique néolibérale de la ville”, L’Information Géographique. [Preprint]

with Rosalie Singerman Ray (2022). "Beyond the Grands Chantiers: Mapping the Deliberative System of Transport Governance in Paris". Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0(0). DOI: 10.1177/0739456X211066557 [Preprint]

(2021). "The SRU Law, twenty years later: evaluating the legacy of France’s most important social housing program", Housing Studies, DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2021.1941790 [Preprint]

with Pierre Mansat (2020). “In Search of Grand Paris: Pierre Mansat on the Eve of the June 2020 Municipal Elections. An interview by Magda Maaoui”, Metropolitics - Métropolitiques.

(2018). "A Granny Flat of One's Own? The Households that Build Accessory-Dwelling Units in Seattle's King County", Berkeley Planning Journal, 30(1), DOI: 10.5070/BP330137884 [Preprint]

(2016). "Oakland après Jerry Brown : une ville entre "renaissance urbaine" et ambitions politiques", Revue Urbanités : Les villes américaines de l'ère Obama.

(2015). "East Palo Alto: un ghetto périurbain, espace de la relégation dans la Silicon Valley", Revue Urbanités: Chroniques.

with Jean-François Le Coq (2012). "La chance aux chanceux: l'accueil des migrants en territoire rural, l'exemple de Los Santos, Costa Rica" - Toulouse School of Economics Working Papers.



(2024). “La chambre de bonne”, in Lieux communs [editors : Drozdz, Argounès & Bussi], Fayard. 

(2020). “The SRU Law: When French Zoning Says No to Inclusion” [Pop-out Case], in Zoning: A Guide for 21st-Century Planning [editors: Sclar, Stahl, Baird-Zars] [Preprint]


with al. (Preface, in French). Pour en finir avec le petit Paris, Paris: Archicity, November 2024.


with Anys Merhoum, Nesma Merhoum, Khadija Roul et Lydia Amarouche (eds.). Habiter l’indépendance. Alger, Conditions d’une architecture de l’occupation (with contributions from Samia Henni and Nora Semmoud), Paris: Shed Publishing, October 2022. [Preprint]



SPUR Report "A Downtown for Everyone: shaping the future of downtown Oakland", San Francisco, September 2015. 


APUR Report “Actions en santé publique : sensibilisation, promotion et prévention”, Paris, May 2023.

APUR Report “L’offre de soins dans la Métropole du Grand Paris : Inégalités sociales et territoriales de santé”, Paris, March 2023.

APUR Report “Recours aux soins et aux dispositifs de prévention : Inégalités sociales et territoriales de santé dans la Métropole du Grand Paris”, Paris, October 2023.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Report “Revue de politique urbaine nationale du Maroc”, Paris, September 2024.




(2020) “Ciel, un avion ! Propositions urbaines en écho au sursaut perché du Corbusier”, Pop-Up Urbain

(2019). "Dominique Lorrain, L'urbanisme 1.0. Enquête sur une commune du Grand Paris", Lectures - Les comptes rendus

(2017). "Robert Silverman et al., Affordable Housing in Shrinking Cities: from Neighborhoods of Despair to Neighborhoods of Opportunity?", Lectures - Les comptes rendus.

(2015). "Robert Beauregard, Planning Matter : Acting with Things", Lectures - Les comptes rendus.

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