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2023: Exhibition of the Ateliers d’Alger nonprofit organization participatory planning workshops - Union Jeunesse Internationale de l'ex-Tati Barbès (Paris)


2021: Exhibition of the Ateliers d’Alger nonprofit organization participatory planning workshops - Biennale DZIGN algéro-française du design (Algeer)


2019: Exhibition of the Ateliers d’Alger nonprofit organization participatory planning workshops - 6b art center (Paris)


2019: Exhibition of the Ateliers d’Alger nonprofit organization participatory planning workshops - YAPLUSK gallery (Paris)


2012: "Nouvelles Architectures" Exhibition and Research Assistant at the Centre Pompidou Architecture Department (Paris). Collaborated to the organization of the Regional Contemporary Art Funds exhibition (designs by architects Kengo Kuma, Odile Decq, BIG, Lacaton & Vassal, Jakob + MacFarlane) for the 30th Anniversary of the Decentralization of Art Creation





2022/2023: Habiter l’indépendance book launch events with talks, roundtables, workshops and exhibitions in Librairie Petite Egypte, EXC Librairie and Tati UJI (Paris), L’Hydre aux Mille Têtes (Marseilles), at the universities of Sétif and Constantine, etc. 


December 2022: Roundtable with activist and author Elaine Mokhtefi about her book Algiers, Third World Capital: Freedom Fighters, Revolutionaries, Black Panthers, Verso books - Union Jeunesse Internationale cultural center, ex-Tati Barbès (Paris)























February 2021: Participant in the NYC Housing, Health, and Equity working group sessions led by Malo Hutson - Population Research Center - Columbia University 


June 2020: Organizer of “The city after lockdown: A European love letter (New York - Madrid - Brussels)” - Jubilee European artist and cultural network























September 2021: Speaker at “AuberUrbex : Exploration urbaine d’Aubervilliers” on the construction site of eco-district housing project Fort d’Aubervilliers - Institut des Amériques.


























February 2023: Participant in the documentary project “An Open Letter to Lebel’s Letter to Godard” around the Tours Debussy housing project by director Pauline Blanchet (London - Paris) 


November 2021: Consultant for the Harlem-based science-fiction movie production by directors Fanny Liatard and Jérémy Trouilh (Paris) 


2018 - 2022: Documentary production of “Kbala Kbala” about participatory planning workshops with women residents in the Casbah of Algiers, as part of my nonprofit organization Ateliers d’Alger (Paris - Alger)


March 2021: Consultant for the “Les banlieues et leurs habitants” documentary by Canal +/ Planète + director Maud Richard (Paris) â€‹


September 2020: Consultant for the “60 minutes” segment on the Grand Paris by CBS producers Michael Gavshon and François Bringer (London)


April 2014: Behind the Scenes Photographer for the "She Started It" Documentary on Women Entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley directed by Nora Poggi (San Francisco)





September 2022: Interview on Interception about the 20-year legacy of France’s SRU Law for mandatory social housing construction “Logement : La mixité sociale à marche forcée” - Radio France Inter


June 2020: Interview on Cultures Monde about New York City’s response to the pandemic “Anthropocène : Le virus de la dernière chance” - Radio France Culture 


August 2019: Presentation of the El Hamma participatory construction site initiative for Ateliers d’Alger - Radio Alger Chaîne 3


August 2018: Presentation of the Casbah participatory workshop initiative for Ateliers d’Alger - Radio Alger Chaîne 3





2019-2022: Organizer of the Public Sessions for the Séminaire interdisciplinaire P.A.R.I.S : Projets et Acteurs de l'Aménagement de la Région Île-de-France en Situation, with Pr. Sandrine Berroir, Sabrina Bresson, and Yankel Fijalkow - Centre de Recherche sur l'Habitat - ENSAPVS École Nationale Supérieure d'architecture de Paris-Val de Seine and Master Aménagement et Développement Local de l'Université Paris Cité




























2024 - 2025: Scientific Committee member for the research project “Le logement en choc de densification” funded by the Union Sociale pour l’Habitat as part of the research program « Les défis économiques d’un foncier et d’un logement abordables » (2022-2025).


2023 - Present: Jury member of the Écoles Normales Supérieures entry contest (Paris, Lyon and Cachan).​


2023 - Present: Mentor for the European creative research residency Staging Ground led through Theatrum Mundi and LINA on issues of mobility justice and crossing the Paris Périphérique. 


2022 - Present: Member of the Scientific Committee for the Institut Des Amériques - CNRS network of francophone social science research on the Americas 


2024: Volunteer for the Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston region chapter


2021: Consultant for the Architecture Lobby’s draft response to the Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing at the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNHCR) call for input on housing discrimination and spatial segregation (New York) 


2020 - Present: Member of the Working Group Mobilités et Spatialités, run by Camille Schmoll, Nadine Cattan and Laurent Faret - Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Cluster of Excellence Territorial and Spatial Dynamics


2020: Consultant in housing policy for the electoral campaign of Angela Fernández (Democratic Socialists of America) for City Council Speaker, District NY-10 (New York)

2020: Participation to the collaborative student work with Urban Planning Masters students at Columbia GSAPP - reflecting, researching, and brainstorming - to understand how anti-Black racism permeated the UP department and GSAPP at large and draft a GSAPP UP Action Letter & Plan, outlining specific opportunities for GSAPP UP to demonstrate a commitment to social justice. This plan was intended to support, amplify, and build on the demands thoughtfully laid out by BSA+GSAPP in “On the Futility of Listening.” 


2019 - Present: Co-design of the website platform Ateliers d’Alger [] with the team and students of the Pôle S antenna of social and solidarity-based economy based in the Garges-lès-Gonesse, in the northern banlieue of Paris


2019 - Present: Participation to the media campaign Nanas Benz about women entrepreneurs from the banlieues and inner city neighborhoods - Argot Magazine, Paris (France)


2019: French Commission Representative for the Fulbright Foundation during the 42nd Annual Conference and Advocacy Day (Washington, DC)


2018: Doctoral Student representative during the external Academic Review of GSAPP with Pr. Jonathan Massey (U. of Michigan), Pr. Hashim Sarkis (MIT), Pr. Sarah Whiting (Rice University) (New York)


2017 - Present: Participation to Community meetings and Tenant Planning Charrettes with East Harlem residents (NYCHA Wagner Houses/ Harlem Community Center, Center for Court Innovation)​​​


2017/2018: Project Coordinator for the annual international competition Ideas in Action - Place and Displacement: Integrating Refugee Populations within Cities: A Design and Policy Competition, New York


2017: Puerto Rico Mapathon for Hurricane Relief - Initiative by Red Cross Puerto Rico, OpenStreet Map, Columbia University's Group for Experimental Methods in Humanities (New York)


2014/2015: French Transit/Transportation System Research Assistant for the placemaking advocacy initiative SubArt San Francisco. Helped prepare European precedent studies for the SubArt project advocating creation of art in transit stations to increase ridership (BART, MUNI).


Reviewer for the following peer-reviewed journals: Revue Urbanités


Other nonprofit engagements: Experienced translator, Grant writing skills, UNESCO and UN-SDG labelling 

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