Maaoui, PhD
Urban Planning - Spatial Analysis - Design
(June 17, 2024). "The Connections Between Rental Deserts, Segregation, and Zoning", Housing Perspectives - Joint Center for Housing Studies.
(February 26, 2024). “What has Zoning Reform Accomplished in Cambridge, Massachusetts?”, Housing Perspectives - Joint Center for Housing Studies.
(France issue posted June 30, 2022). “Social contract: Parisian social housing”, The Architectural Review. [Preprint]
(July 26, 2020). “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “Ce que je vais dire aux petites filles de mon quartier”, Nanas Benz.
(May 11, 2020). “La cité confinée à la lumière de la rythmanalyse", Bondy Blog.
(Fall 2019). “Changing Peripheries: the Obduracy of Buildings (and People who live in them)”, URBAN Magazine, Columbia University GSAPP: Volume 29.
(October 29, 2019). “Fulbright Alum attends the 42nd Fulbright Association Annual Conference”, Fulbright Commission Franco-Américaine (with radio podcasts).
(July 27, 2018). "Biological Metaphor: The Grand Paris, the Biopolis and Promise of Town-gown Partnerships", urbanNext.
(December 20, 2016). "The biopolis : quand Harvard et le CRI réinventent la ville de Paris", Pop-Up Urbain.
(Spring 2016). "Housing Transitions: The Tour de France of Construction", URBAN Magazine, Columbia University GSAPP: Volume 22.
with Egon Terplan (February 2015). "Four Plans That Shaped Downtown Oakland's First 100 Years", SPUR The Urbanist Magazine, Issue 540.
(Spring 2015). "For Greater Spatial Justice: the State of Micro-local Citizen Participation Processes", URBAN Magazine, Columbia University GSAPP: Volume 20.
with Jennifer Warburg (January 2015). "Steel Yourselves: The Creative Afterlife of the Former Bay Bridge", SPUR Blog.
with Nora Nafaa (May 2013). Editorial board director for one issue of Open Diplomacy's think thank quarterly review, Water Geopolitics, Paris.
(September 2012). "Qui a tué Cheb Hasni, le rossignol du raï?", Désorient - INALCO magazine.
(June 2012). "Daria, Nastassja, Sissy - Trois films, trois filles, trois fuites", Specimen la Revue -ENS Art magazine.
(December 17, 2021). “Logement social : La Loi SRU menacée par le projet 3DS ?”. Bondy Blog.
with Pierre Mansat et al. (June 24, 2021). “La Métropole du Grand Paris paraît inopérante pour gérer un espace de 12 millions d’habitants”. Le Monde.
with Pierre Mansat et al. (April 25, 2021). “Élections régionales en Île-de-France : “Les débats de fond concernant l’avenir de la région métropolitaine parisienne ne sont jamais abordés”. Le Monde.
with Banlieue Capitale 2028 et al. (October 25, 2020). “Banlieues : Nous souhaitons œuvrer à la production de nouveaux imaginaires qui reconnaissent le patrimoine de ces territoires”. Le Monde.
with Pierre Mansat et al. (February 19, 2020). “Avec le Grand Paris, le temps de la citoyenneté métropolitaine est venu”. Le Monde.
(February 8, 2020). “Les Misérables aux Oscars, pour mettre les mauvais cultivateurs des quartiers au banc des accusés", Bondy Blog.
with Ateliers d'Alger (February 16, 2019). "Pour une Casbah bâtie par ses habitants", El Watan.
2015-2016: Translator and contributor for This Big City en français (Themes: Planning, Transportation, Construction, Architecture).
2010-2012: Report writer for the monthly national geography conferences Cafés Géographiques, Lyon. Worked on the publication of peer-reviewed notes on monthly faculty talks. Also co-creator of the Social Media platform for Géoconfluences (expert website in Géography resources of the Écoles Normales Supérieures).
"With Proposal to End Single-Family Zoning, Cambridge Positions Itself as National Leader”, The Harvard Crimson (posted September 6, 2024).
"Meet the 8 New Professors Joining Harvard's Design School”, The Harvard Crimson (posted September 6, 2024).
"Zoning contributes to Dallas' housing segregation, Harvard report finds”, D Magazine (posted July 10, 2024).
"Austin has a high rate of segregation between homeowners and renters, study finds”, KUT 90.5 News Austin (posted June 25, 2024).
“A unique zoning policy creates financial certainty, affordable housing developers say”, Smart Cities Dive (posted May 7, 2024).
“What has Zoning Reform Accomplished in Cambridge?”, Banker & Tradesman (posted April 7, 2024).
“Logement social : l’exécutif remet en cause l’objectif de mixité”, Le Monde (posted March 13, 2024).
“Cambridge's Landmark Affordable Housing Policy, Explained”, The Harvard Crimson (posted February 13, 2024).
“As Cambridge Residents Head to the Polls, Housing Remains Top Issue”, The Harvard Crimson (posted November 6, 2023).
“Les patients en affection longue durée surreprésentés dans les zones pauvres du Grand Paris”, Libération (posted October 19, 2023).
“Au Maghreb, la culture à la reconquête de l’espace public”, Medfeminiswiya (posted October 13, 2023).
“Dans quel quartier de Paris trouve-t-on le plus de médecins ?”, Actualités de Paris (posted April 3, 2023).
“Déserts médicaux : quelles villes des Hauts-de-Seine ont le plus de médecins”, Actualités des Hauts-de-Seine (posted April 3, 2023).
“Les perspectives en matière de quartiers durables”, Saint-Gobain (May 25, 2022).
“Study: Foreclosure Main Factor in Chicago’s ‘Black Flight’”, Planetizen (March 17, 2022).
“Foreclosure Crisis Driving Black Flight in Chicago: Study”, Governing (March 16, 2022).
“Logement social : ce que le modèle de Rennes peut inspirer aux autres communes”, Envies de Ville - Nexity (March 3, 2022).
"Logement social. ‘Rennes est un modèle à copier’", Ouest France (January 4, 2022).
"‘Emily in Paris’ star Lily Collins says Season 2 ‘focus’ is ‘diversity, inclusion’", New York Post (November 1, 2021).
"Les sanctions de la Loi SRU n'ont pas d'effets incitatifs", La Gazette des Communes (October 1, 2021).
"Scholar Spotlight", Columbia Alliance Program Interview Series (September 28, 2021).
"The Cheapo Olympics Are Coming", Slate (August 8, 2021).
"Designing Accessory-Dwelling Unit Regulations: Recommendations for the City of Alexandria, Virginia", Urban Institute (November 2020).
"Institutional Readings on Zoning - A Review of Zoning: A Guide for 21st-Century Planning", Metropolitics (November 20, 2020).
"À El Hamma, habitants et citoyens autour d'une action citoyenne", Huffington Post Maghreb (September 4, 2019).
"Student Spotlight: Magda Maaoui", ACSP Planner Profile Series (January 28, 2019).
"Les Ateliers d'Alger : une initiative jeune pour dessiner Alger de demain", Huffington Post Maghreb (August 19, 2018).
"Le coup de cœur de la semaine : le collectif Ateliers d'Alger propose des rendez-vous participatifs dans plusieurs quartiers", El Watan (August 9, 2018).
"Oakland's 20 worst intersections become minimalist art", Curbed San Francisco (June 26, 2018).